Wednesday, June 27, 2012


“The ultimate goal of mathematics is to eliminate any need for intelligent thought.”-A. N. Whitehead
Well, for starters try to think what’s the meaning of the above quote, it has a nice and beautiful meaning. To make things so simple that an average mind is able to see it. So lets put this into practice, with another concept lesson.
Today, we will discuss DATA SUFFICIENCY, one of the very scoring problems in cat and other mba entrance exams. The good thing about DS is we get DS both in quant and DI, and it makes for 6-8 problems in almost every paper. As there are no theorems in DS, we will take things to note
Things To Note:
1) DS problems, we need to answer if it is sufficient information to answer, means, there should be one conclusive answer.  We do not need to find the answer, just if it can be found or not?
2) Some questions ask , is this true? So if we can find that the information available is enough to prove that it is not, we are still able to answer the question, that it is not true. Hence we are able to answer the question.
3) Check for all possibilties, that is using one statement, using second, then only combine the two.

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